Fall teased us with near 0°C temperatures until the first week of December. Then, like it does here, it dropped to between -25C/-13F and -35C/-31F and it’s been that way ever since and it will stay like that until March. Don’t dawdle when in between buildings, plug in your car or it won’t start, don’t drop your mittens in the snow or you’ll lose your hand, type of shit. Repair shops are full of

cars with cracked hoses and plug heads that have been ripped off from driving away with them still connected. The roads are such that you can see the brake light reflection of the car in front of you in the sheer ice. People who drive 60 in a 50 zone now drive 50. People who normally drive 40 in a 50 zone now drive 27 – apparently drivers'

skill-self-trust/speed graphs are slightly curved. Planes that sit on
the tarmac too long are de-iced a second time. Bellaclavas have a white goatee from frozen breath condensation. Your cheeks and nose feel a distinct bite in a subtle breeze. I have to thaw my hockey gear out with a blow dryer before every game because it doesn’t dry in the garage, it just freezes. And I just can’t keep my poor baby warm, she’s cold all the time.
They tell you to pack an emergency kit when traveling in your car. Why? Because this is all you see for hours when driving in this province.

It’s still beautiful country and I still like to watch the sunrise and sunset. I watch it rise during my first smoke break at work and watch it set during my next smoke break. (Where are my vitamin D pills?)
Anybrr, this post is interactive. If you drop in, you must post a punch line. I’ll get you started.
You wouldn’t believe how cold it is here.
(How cold is it?)
It’s so cold…
I saw a squirrel rubbing his nuts.
I tried peeing outside and ended up a tripod with a skinny yellow leg.
I can’t wait to get in from shoveling and get warmed up by a cold beer.
Some wild chill got in my mouth and made my molar ache. (That one is true).
Saskatoon hookers will pay
you for a ride around the block.
It's so cold that the local flasher was caught *describing* himself
to women.
Maybe all those chinooks made you soft.
It's so cold I went and picked up the pizza myself because I felt bad for the delivery guy in his busted up, duct taped Honda. True story.
It's so cold that I have nothing to say.
It's so cold, you should post a new blog.
It's so cold that molecules are oscillating at a lower frequency.
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