Thursday, October 30, 2008

Knock ‘em dead

I know what you’re like, I’m that way too. It’s hard to talk about yourself/sell yourself without getting an ill feeling. It’s like, I hate putting on this fucking smiley smiley fake up whore face. But it is a skill I learned having to go and find another job so many times – to be the bright smiling, gushing whore so that a company will like you. Scraping out pumpkin guts probably once gave you the same icky feeling but now you rip them out with a purpose. To fake the appearance of genuine interest and enthusiasm is tough for simple, honest people but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing to learn. What we want to say is usually what we should never say during an interview, “Look, you need me, I need the cheque. Let’s wrap this up.”

So put on the face and do the song and dance and do it bloody well because when it’s all over and you feel like you need a shower you just may have landed the job.


Kate and/or Mike said...

Speaking of which, I have an interview in December.

Christian said...

I wonder if being a little jaded helps a teacher get a position. A little edge of toughness as opposed to the innocent lamb on its way to the slaughterhouse.
What not to say though, "Don't worry. I'll edumacate the little rat fucks if it kills 'em."

Kate and/or Mike said...

Nah, they like bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, hopeful new teachers because then, heaping extra-curricular responsibilities and "challenging" students and administrative duties on them leads to a more entertaining slow demoralization.

(One day you think, I remember the day when staff room talk shocked me. Hmm. "Pass the salt.")

Christian said...

The have salt now? I remember how forbidden the staff room was as a student. So that we would never see their other faces.

M said...

My new interview strategy is actually to keep it real. "There are a lot of shitty, unreliable employees out there. I'm not one of them. I want this job because ___. I'll do it well, and I'll do it fast."

(That's what she said.)

Kate said...

I hate job interviews